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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


- 5 Sumo Dead-lift @ 290lbs
- 12 Unbroken* DB Swings @ 70lbs

10min Max Time
* If DB Swings are broken up 7 burpee penalty at end of workout

TOTAL TIME: 4:46, no penalty


- 5 Sumo Dead-lift @ weights varied depending on experience
- 12 Unbroken* DB Swings @ weights varied depending on experience

10min Max Time
* If DB Swings are broken up 7 burpee penalty at end of workout

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Muscle-up work 15minutes
Max Effort OHS - 2RM = 205lbs

9, 6,3reps
Squat Snatch @ 115lbs
Ring dips

Skill - Hollow Position
- 10 Burpees
- Bear Crawls 20m
- 10 Jump Squats
- Alt Lunges 20m

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crossfit Cortland


Crossfit  Cortland 
WOD - "Modified Cindy"
- 5 Pull - ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Air Squats

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today's WOD
Strength: Max Effort Front Squat
- 275 x 1 (PR)
-285 x Failed

Work Capacity
15, 12, 9, 6
Front Squat @ 95lbs

Thursday, September 15, 2011

WOD #1 The restart

WOD #1

Strength - 3RM of Hang Clean Pull - 330lbs

18min AMRAP
- 7 OHS @ 95lbs
- 9 Pull-ups
- 21 Double-Unders

Completed: 15

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Squat Squat Squat

Arguably the best exercise someone can do. I recently read an article in the Crossfit journal about squatting heavy often. If you been following my blog lately you would notice that I have got away from it concept in order to work on my Olympic lifting. And I now realize that this is only hurting me as an athlete. If you were to break down each Olympic lift (Clean + Jerk, Snatch),you'll notice squatting in each exercise. For instance, the clean, the receiving position is caught in the bottom of a front squat and the receiving position for the snatch is in the bottom of an overhead squat. So with this information you would see that if my squat whether front, back of overhead squats got stronger, it would transfer over to my Olympic lifts. I understand that there is more to Olympic lifting then just the receiving position but more squatting doesn't mean less time spent on other aspects of the Olympic lifts. So if you only take one thing out of this little blurb is that "YOU NEED TO SQUAT" and squat heavy often.
Your probably saying that I'm going to either burn out/ fatigue faster or overtrain but there are concepts, like Westside programming that will help fight against this. You can also incorporate chains, bands and specialty bars to keep weeks constantly varied.

So on to today's WOD
Dynamic Front Squat w/ green bands - 8x2 @185lbs

10! (10, 9, 8, ...., 2, 1)
- Push Press @ 95lbs
- Box Jumps (20")
- Toes to Bar

Hours of Sleep: 7.5
NOTE: Been feeling better with my energy. Thought I was able to push harder and faster through the Met-Con than the last couple of days. I feel like I need to consume more water throughout the day and do mobility work daily. But overall feeling better. Taking tomorrow off, except for mobility.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Changing It Up

Want to first off apologize for the time off between the last post. Just moved again and currently working with SUNY Cortland Football team as the assistant athletic trainer. As the team goes through pre-season camp and double sessions it will be interesting to see how well the guys respond with recovery, proper nutrition, and the recommended hydration. I will let you know how they are doing at a later date. So far as a did make an appearance to their dinner last night, but was not impressed with the choices of food or beverage selection of some players. Athlete crushing ice cream, sucking down large quantities of soda and grilled cheese. Its not all of them but it seems like there is a common tend between new guys (freshman) and lineman (OL/DL). I believe it would be better if there was some way to educate them on proper nutrition and hydration.
Been feeling kind of sluggish lately, whether its due to the increase stress at work or overtraining but I decided to back off on the volume a little and focus more on strength of my Olympic lifts then the Met-con work. I'll still do met-con work a couple times a week but without the strength piece. Once pre-season is over for football and I have more time and feeling more myself then I'll pick back up where I left over and increasing my workouts in a day in order to get ready for the Beast of the East.
On to today's WOD

Power Jerk + Jerk:  175lbs 1+1, 170lbs 1+1
Mid Hang Snatch (upper thigh): 135lbs x3, 125x3
Mid Hang Snatch High Pull (flat footed): 3x6 @ 115lbs

TABATA: Knees to Elbows

Hours of Sleep 7.5
NOTE: The snatch high pull was done with lighter weight in order to get the bar as high as possible. Body is feeling sluggish but only sore in my traps probably due to the cleans done yesterday.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Crossfit Finals Event completed

Today wanted to try the Crossfit finals event all the way through. I added a different twist de to lack of some equipment. It was pretty tough but completed it but didn't time it which I was happy about. I would of like to compare my time to the elite crossfitters.


Low Box Squat with Bands - 10x2 @ 205lbs & Green bands

- 20 Calorie Row
- 3 Rope ascents
- 30 Wall Balls
- 20 Toes 2 Bar
- 30 Box Jumps (20")
- 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull - 95lbs
- 30 Burpees
- 20 Shoulder to Overhead - 135lbs
- 30 alternating seat row 70lbs each

NOTE: Feel pretty good foot I would say is about 90% which hopefully is good by the weekend. Workout was great. the only thing is that a couple pieces of equipment were in different rooms so I was able to rest between some of exercises so it wasn't exactly like the games but was able to get a successful lift in.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Long Exciting Weekend

First I want to thanks the people at Life AsRx for putting on a very successful competition. It was a blast met new people and learn a little about myself and where I need to go in my training in order to become the best. And speaking of the best Crossfitters. Congratulation to Rich Froning Jr. for winning the 2011 Reebok Crossfit Games. I watched most of it and the overall preparedness that Rich displayed this past weekend was unbelievable. The workouts these athletes completed at the games was unreal. And you can bet on it that I will be trying some of these workouts in the upcoming months.
Back to my competition. Was guaranteed 2 workouts with a third one if you were in the top 14 individuals. After the first 2 workouts I was sitting in 10th place which I was pretty happy about. Since there were 70 competitors at the competition. After the third workout though I dropped down to 12th, so I missed out on being in the top 10 but I'm happy with at least making the final cut. Giving the chance to competition with the top athletes there.
Here are the workout I had to complete:
Workout #1
21, 15, 9
- Kettle Swing @ 70lbs
- Dumbbell Thrusters with 40lb DB in each hand
Placed 7th in workout

Workout #2
In 8 Minutes
- Row 1000m
- Find 1RM Clean and Jerk
NOTE: These were treated as 2 workouts in the scoring. In the row placed 2nd, in the clean and jerk placed 28th

Workout #3
15 min AMRAP
- 15 OHS @ 135lbs
- 30 Toes to Bar
- 30 TRX Push-ups
- 200 Double Unders
- 30 Pull-ups
- 30 Pistol Squats
- 15 Shoulder to Overhead
Completed up to 3 Shoulder to overhead so didn't complete 1 round

Overall thought it was a great experience. Definitely going to help me prepare for the Beast of the East coming up in October which I would like to do very well at. Looking back I need to keep working on pressing movements along with increasing my overall strength in all the lifts. I think I'm going to spend majority of the time this month working on strength  and increasing the volume in workouts. Once September hits going to start ramping up the number of workouts in the day and start teaching my body to recover faster for multiple workouts in the day. Great weekend and look forward to the next one. Stay tune for workouts this week.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Almost Time

Saturday is almost here. I can smell it. Competition. Its what drives me when I go to the weight room, on the diamond, in the classroom, and even a friendly game of horseshoes. Like many of you interested in sports its usually the competitiveness that's drives you to win. AND WIN EVERY TIME! "Win or go home," this is the saying in today's society when it comes to sports. It has been ingrained into us since day one. Its what makes us better than everyone else, the willingness never to give up no matter how far you're head.
I admit it, I love winning. Not saying am a sorry loser but a loss only drives me that much harder the next time. Without competition, I believe that this world would be very dull. Sports, wouldn't exist. People would fight to be the best. Advancements in pretty much any aspect of life would have never been found. This doesn't just go for the sports world its involves the corporate world as well. We need "period", end of story.
One more thing I really don't care for in this day and age. When parents tells their kids that, "Its not about winning or losing, its whether or not you had fun." What couldn't be more fun than winning. I mean seriously, getting beat or losing isn't that much fun in my opinion. But enough said on this issue. more to come in the future.

Saturday is the Life AsRx Open Crossfit Competition in Hartford, CT. That I'm competing in. Should be a wild time. Another insane competition going on this same weekend is the 2011 Reebok Crossfit Game. This event has come so far from when Crossfit first started out.  Good Luck to all the athletes competing.

WOKROUT 7/27/2011

Romanian Dead-lift
5-5-5-3-1 (185, 225, 315, 365, 405)

9, 7, 5 reps
- Dead-lift @ 225
- Push Press @ 95lbs

5 min break

3 Rounds As fast as Possible
- 10 toes to bar
- 10 Kettlebell Swings - used 2 35lb kettlebells
- 40yd Overhead Carry - 35lb KB in each hand

NOTE: foot still messed up hopefully it will be good for the weekend. Been icing 6 times a day or as often as I can. Still going to try and push through it. Other than the foot, body feels ready. Lets kick some ass. Tomorrow going to do some skill work, gymnastics and a ton of mobility. Friday is a travel day along with some more mobility work and preparation for the competition.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Push and Pull

Today's workout consisted of a Met-Con with a little strength after. On another note me and the crew added one more person to our lift sessions. His name is D, one of the MCC coaches, and has never done Crossfit before so we'll have to ease him into it. But its always nice to add more people to the workout. Also a great opportunity to do more coaching.
Here's the Workout:

4 Rounds
- 10 Squat Jumps
- 8 Ring Dips
- 8 Ring Back Pulls
- 50 Double Unders
- 8 Alternating Incline DB Bench Press - 60lbs
- 8 Alternating DB Row - 60lbs

Workout #2
Floor Press - 5x5 - 135lbs, 185lbs x 3, 205lbs (failed)
2 Position Snatch - 3x2 @ 135lbs
Snatch Push Press - 3x5 @ 95lbs

Hours of Sleep: 7.5
Nutrition: Fasted before the lift and started taking BCAA's before the lift. I feel great, I think I'm going to continue it this whole week to see how I feel and if I can shed a few pounds.
NOTE: Foot is still killing me but only hurts when I rotate on it. It didn't hurt during the double unders or the squat jumps. Hopefully it can heal before next weekend. The met-con was good I sucked on the incline press but there is always room for improvement. I'll keep see ya tomorrow, Cheers!

Monday, July 18, 2011

20 Round WOD

Today was one of the longer WOD's I've done in a while a whole 20 rounds worth. Another change to this workout was a did a strength piece right after the Met-Con workout. I decided to do this because being able to have max strength while fatigued. This will help me perform better in competition if I have to do multiple workouts in one day. Which I'll definitely be fatigued in the upcoming competition.

Workout #1
20 Rounds
-6 Single Leg Overhead Squats - 45lbs - 3 each leg
- 9 Dumbbell Swings - 70lbs
5 min break
Snatch Pulls - 3x3 - 205lbs

Workout #2
2 Rounds
- 25 sit-ups
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 1 min Plank
- 15 Back Extensions
- 30 L-sit hold

Weight: 186lbs
Hours of Sleep: 8
NOTE: For the first workout I had to use a bench for the single leg due to the inability to keep the bar from falling forward which would make the single leg OHS impossible. Need to work on shoulder mobility just a little more. Update still no pizza consumption still and half way through the month of July. Keep on trucking. Hurt my foot during softball. I thinking its a mid-foot sprain and nothing worse only hurts when hitting and rotating my back foot. So I'll have to ice like crazy and start some sort a rehab for it. Not going to let it effect my workouts. Hopefully! So i have decided that I need to lose 10 lbs before the competition on July 29-30. We'll see how that works out. But Until then, Cheers!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Sorry for the lack of updates this past week. Its been pretty busy with work, softball and of course lifting heavy weights. No Pizza is still full throttle and I'm growing stronger. I haven't even thought about grabbing a slice or crushing a whole pie yet. And I mean "Yet." More to come on that later. Lets take a look at what went down this week. Also this week started incorporating the concept 2 rower into more Met-cons which I'm starting to like more and more. I hated doing it at first but its not that bad once you start getting the hang of it.

MONDAY's Workout
Front Squat - Find 2RM - 225, 245, 255, 265*

1000m Row
50 Thrusters - 45lb
40 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Kettlebell Swings - 45lbs
20 Burpees
10 Pull-ups
1000m Row

TUESDAY's Workout
21 Pull-ups
21 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups
15 Pull-ups
12 Pull-ups
9 Pull-ups
6 Pull-ups
3 Pull-ups


4 Rounds
15 Shoulder Press - 75lbs
15 Burpees
15 Med-Ball Slams
40m Farmer Walk - 35lbs each

Active recovery AKA Softball Game

THURSDAY's Workout
Row - 1250m x 3 - 4:58, 4:38, 4:33 - Rested 2:30 in between

Glute Hams Raises - 3 x 8
GHD Sit-ups - 3x12
Overhead Lunges - 35lb KB in each hand - 2x16
Wide Stance Goodmornings - 95lbs - 2x10

Nutrition: POOR All WEEK. Disappointed in that but need to get back to it
NOTE: Right foot has been giving me some problem in the morning and sometimes after softball games. May be due to the hard field we play on for softball. We'll see how it feels after the weekend. Headed to Vermont this weekend which should be a great time of fishing and relaxing. Going to do some swimming workouts in the open water which should be fun. Haven't tried that in a while. But I won't be back until Sunday so stay tune.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another Successful Weekend

Another successful weekend of NO pizza. Its been pretty hard but I have successfully gone 2 weekend without the consumption of pizza.
Sorry for not posting Friday or Saturday but I did get in workouts on both days. I took Sunday off as an active recovery day to allow my body to rest up for the upcoming week.

4 Rounds:
155lb Dead-lift - 12 reps
155lb Hang Clean - 9 reps
155lb Push Jerk - 6 reps

Row - 1 mile

21, 15, 9
- Handstand Push-ups
- Ring Push-ups
- Back Extensions

Wieght: 183lbs
NOTE: I am really weak on the handstand push-ups going to start incorporating more body weight exercises into the training protocol.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dynamic Lower Body

Today I withheld from any Met-con work and will do two on them tomorrow when I have access to more equipment. Sometimes it gets hard having limited resources at home. I have been working over the year to accumulate as much equipment as possible but with limited money supply and not staying in one spot for long its hard to keep a hold of anything. So today was more a dynamic lower body day involving bands and explosive power.

Low Box Squat w/ Bands - 10x2 @185lbs with 200lbs of band tension.
Snatch Push Press - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 @ 95, 115, 135, 155, 175 respectively.
3Rounds for Quality
 - 20 Weight sit-up @25lbs using the Abmat
 - 10 Band Good Mornings w/ green Band

Hours of Sleep: 7
Nutrition: Cheat Day crushed whatever I wanted today. This included a sandwich (Bread, NOT good).

NOTE: Everything feels really great started incorporating more mobility work after my workouts which is allowing me to go more consecutive workouts without feeling really sore. I suggest if you aren't doing some sort of mobility work suggested by the man, Kelly Starrett then you need to keep out his Mobility WOD.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Quick But Effective

It was tough to even think about working out today after 7 hours of working over the hot sunny scraping 25 year old paint off a barn but knew I had to get at least something in. Workout was very quick but effective. This is where I want to talk a little about hydration
In any athlete that work hard and compete lose water through sweat. People have different sweat rate so the amount of water lost during a workout or competition. The amount needed throughout the you need to take half your body weight in ounces. So for example I weigh 175lbs so in ounces of water I need to consume about 88oz. of water per day. On top of that you need to consume 16oz. for every hour of working out or physical activity. This allows you to stay well hydrated throughout the day and through your performance. So during the hot summer months, you need to make sure your drinking plenty of water. I little secret to maximize the absorption by your body is to add a little electrolyte once in a while. Sources of good electrolytes is coconut water, electrolyte packets or Emergency-C. If you just flood your body with massive amounts of water your kidneys with just turn on and flush it out of the system. In other words you'll just be peeing a lot.

Now to the workout

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
- Squat Cleans @ 155lbs
- Lateral Burpees over 20" Box
- Ring Dips

10 x 10yd Sprints w/ 30sec rest

Hours of Sleep: 7
Nutrition: Good. Fasted today before the workout.
NOTE: Body feels good except my knees hurt a little bit from the rucking yesterday but overall feeling great.  Usually do lateral burpees over a bar but the theme this week is slight changes to exercises. Thinking about doing some strongman stuff tomorrow. If you lift heavy you will be stronger. But Until Then, Cheers!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Getter Done

So I decided to change my workout sequence up a little today. To start my workout I did some rucking and then  did my WOD. Did the run with 10lbs. I kept the weight low because I have never done it before. I also feel that its not the greatest for your knee due to the access weight your body is not use to handling.

Ruck Run -  1.5 miles with 10lbs

Dynamic Upper Body
Close Grip Bench Press - 10x3 @ 70lb with 150lbs of Band tension

7 Rounds as fast as possible
- 25lb plate swing - 20
- Bar Single Arm Snatch - 20 (10 each arm)
- 20 Double Unders

TIME: 12:56

Hours of Sleep: 8
Nutrition: OK had Oatmeal this morning
NOTE: Glutes pretty sore but should be good for tomorrow.

Pizza Update: Still have not eaten a slice of pizza for 5 days. Made it through the weekend which is when I usually consume pizza. I happy that I was able to do it and gunna keep on going.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy America Day

I would have to say the Fourth of July is one of my most favorite holidays of the year. Great Food, great time of the year, great people to celebrate with and just overall always a great time. Just celebrating AMERICA, its that simply An what not a better way to celebrate with a little workout. It was tough to get motivated after a long NOT so healthy weekend at my buddy's cottage. But this is where workout partners come. Always keeping you on track and you do the same for him. This is why working out with someone is a great idea. They're there to keep you going, to push you to places you didn't know you could go. The guys I workout with just make my a better athlete in the gym. Not all of us have the same strengths so when there is a workout that you wouldn't normally attempt on your own. Your partner(s) are there to make sure you're working on those weaknesses.


4 Rounds
Bulgarian Split Squats - 5 each leg @ 155lbs bar weight + 20lbs suspended weight
Jog 100y ds down hill
Sprint 100 yds up hill

Accessory Work
 - RDL 4x12 @ 100lbs

-30,20,10 reps
     - Double Unders
     - Air Squats

Hours of Sleep - 4
Nutrition - Crappy
NOTE: The weight for the RDLs was put in a 2x2 box and were perform which changes up the line of pull making the movement a little different compared to the conventional RDL with a bar. Definitely interesting to say the least. The suspended weight was also a little curve-ball from normal. It made me have to stabilize my  spine a little more then normal because it felt like the bar was shaking all around my back.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Finally Figured It Out

Today's workout I had to do alone but still got an insane workout in. Oh one think I forgot to tell you is that I filmed the workout and will post the workout on the blog. You'll finally be able to see what I have been up to. Hopefully I can film all the workouts but I cannot promise that. I'll try really hard. 


Wide Stance Goodmornings 5x3 @ 135, 155, 175, 185, 205
As many reps as possible in 3 Mins
- 3 mins 25lb plate swings
- 3 mins rest
- 3 mins 20" Box Jumps
- 3 mins rest 
- 3 mins 65lb Strict Press
- 3 mins rest 
- 3 mins 25yd Shuttle

- plate Swings: 111
- Box Jumps: 157
- Strict Press: ?
- Shuttle: 21

NOTE: Camera ran out of space towards the end of the workout so I don't really know how many strict presses I got but hopefully next time I'll get the whole workout.

6/30/2011 - Pretty Sore and the Pizza Challenge

After the Heavy Cindy, my body was pretty sore from my low back to my hamstring to my upper back. So today we all decided to not hit the weights and use this as a day to recover. Now, people have different ways of recovering. There are people that like to use the long slow distance (LSD) to help recover, like my friend Kurt. We also have the people that like to not do anything and allow their body's to completely rest which is also a get method because this allows your nervous system to complete take a break from the intense training regime. Others like to play others sports that are not that intense like slow pitch softball, which all of us played last night. Helps keeps the competitive edge outside of the weight room. Other you can be like me and use a sled on the off days to help recover the legs.
This method is used my many power lifters who follow Louie Simmons's Westside style to lifting.After a heavy leg day the day after he has his lifters drag a sled until the next heavy leg day. The way they do it is the day after the sled has maximum weight and as the week progresses the weight decreases in order for an athlete to lift maximally on the next heavy leg day.

Recovery Workout
Sled Pulls - 25yards at 90lbs for 16 lengths
NOTE: I did 8 lengths with a straight leg march and 8 lengths with the harness between my legs. I thought the between the legs was much harder then the straight leg march but both did work.

Hours of Sleep: 7
Weight: 181lbs
NOTE: Like a said before hamstrings and low back were the most sore from the day before. But all in all feel pretty good and ready to get back at it on Friday 7/1/2011. Speaking of the first of July. I was talking with a couple friends last night about how we all love pizza. And one of my friends said he and his girlfriend tried not eating pizza for a whole month and were able to complete the challenge. So I'm deciding I will embark on this challenge for the month of July. It will be pretty tough with the holiday coming up but I think I can do it. I also challenge you to the same challenge and at the end of the month reward yourself with something. Maybe some new fishing gear or something that will give you motivation to stay on track. It will be interesting to see how this goes. Updates will be daily. But Until Then, Cheers!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Heavy Cindy

Hey Y'all. Hope everyone is enjoying hump day before the big Forth of July weekend. I would have to say Forth of July is probably one of my favorite holidays of the year. Well that's enough of that from my personal life, lets get down to business.

Today was a rude awakening for myself of where I'm at strength-wise and where I need to be for the Crossfit competition at the end of the month. Without making excuses my overall strength has diminished significantly since returning home for the summer. I contribute this to losing some weight and also focusing on my endurance and metcon aspects of the sport of Crossfit. But I believe that we cannot be the best at all aspects of Crossfit. I hate to say it someone is either going to be stronger or faster than you at some lift or workout. But if you are a well rounded athlete that's a different story. Its the athlete who are well rounded are the ones who are a top the leader board at the end of the day. I mean you wouldn't see Mark Bell posting a sub 2 minute Fran or run a marathon . (Mark Bell - 2008 Ranked #1 Bench Press in America in 308 lb. category @ 805 lb.) But focusing on one aspect will not make me a better Crossfitter. That's why a lot of the workouts performed from this blog have different aspects whether its work capacity or strength or gymnastics. All of these categories of Crossfit will make you better overall athlete. But today's WOD focused on strength where we, myself, Adam and new addition to the blog, Kurt, all did a modified heavy Cindy. Tony Perkis was also there but did a variation from us and just did Cindy. 

Now the Workout 

Skill Work - Dynamic Upper Body 
Band Bench Press (Monster Mini Bands) 10x1 @ 165lbs for 7 sets/ 175lbs for 3 sets

"Modified Heavy Cindy"
Max Time of 20 minutes perform 5 Rounds 
- 185lb Back Squat - 15 reps
- 185lb/165lbs Bench Press - 10 reps
- 185lbs Bent Over Row - 5 reps

NOTE: The bench press went from 185lbs for the first 2 sets then bumped it down for the last 3 sets. The way it was set up was one person would go through 1 full round then go right to jump roping while the second person went. When the third person went was the first person's time to rest before his next round. So there was rest involved with this workout because we were using more weight than used in regular Cindy. All of us were able to finish before the 20 minute cut off time. 

Tony Perkis's Workout
As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) in 15 Minutes
- 5 Pull-ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Air Squats 

Total Rounds: 15 Rounds
NOTE: He explained this was much easier than the workout from yesterday but I wanted to start him somewhere and not crush him in the first week of training because he won't want to come back. If you run a client into the ground and don't let him up for air they're most likely won't be your client anymore. So allowing him to get some sort of recovery but still getting a pretty good session will keep him coming back for more. 

3 Rounds of 5 
 - Inverted Cross
 - Standing Half Range straight Arm DB Press
Hours of Sleep: 6.5
Nutrition: Excellent, Still doing intermittent fasting. Definitely felt a little lack of energy but hopefully once I get into for a couple of weeks my body will become accustom to it. 
Weight: 183lbs
NOTES: Just disappointed in the lack of strength in the bench press. I couldn't perform one set of bench press unbroken. I have never been good at bench pressing. This is why Crossfit and working out with person who have different strengths then me is great. I'll come to the gym and not want to do a certain workout because I don't like exercises incorporated into them but my lifting partner are always there to tell me you need to work on your weaknesses. But this goes hand in hand with me pushing them where they are weak. Finding not only good Crossfitters to workout with but good people. 
Tomorrow is looking like an active recovery day with a potential of a swimming WOD which I have never done and should be really fun. But Until Then, Cheers!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What We Have been Up To

Once again sorry for the week long absent and not posting everyday. But we have been up to a lot with training and just good ole fun. The past week I decided to take a de-load week and also my nutrition was terrible. Been having pizza to having cake or candy. But I felt like my body need a time to recover itself for the next couple of grueling weeks. But now its time to start getting after it. And DO WORK!

A little side note; Just started working with some of my friends with training so I will be posting their times and workouts as well as mine. I want to first explain one the benefits of this time of training. The biggest benefits is that workouts can be scaled to anyone. Whether its a strength deficit or an endurance deficit or the work capacity isn't what it use to be. Correct lifting technique as well as range motion can be other limiting factors to an athlete or the weekend warrior.

After you read this, I want to introduce you to my friend Tony Perkis. And yes this is the character from the movie "Heavyweights." This will be my summer project or more like a case study. Updates will be provided not only for me but for Tony as well  This person wants to remain nameless for the time being which I have to respect but hopefully by the end of the summer we will reveal this person and show you the benefits of high intensity constantly varied functional training. I have another friend, Adam also training with us and has been performing this type of training for a while and will be scaling his workouts due to  thumb injury suffered 4 days ago. this shouldn't be a problem and we'll work with it. But the mission for both these individuals is to get them into the best shape of their lives using the methods of high intensity constantly varied functional movements (Crossfit)\, also changing their diets slightly in order to help increase their progress in the weight room. This should be pretty exciting to see what happens. I will have more data on these individuals in later posts with will allow you to see the constant change and growth these guys have. 

So lets get to the good stuff. 

12, 15, 21, 15, 12 as Fast as Possible:
- Box jumps - 24"
- Push Press  - 95lbs (Me & Adam), 65lbs (Tony Perkis)
- Dead-lift @ 185lbs

NOTE: Tony Perkis's only did 12, 15, 21, 15 which was plenty of work for him for the day. He did really well but there is always room for important from technique and overall work capacity. But he stuck with it which is always nice to see from a trainer's point of view, meaning he's willing to put forth the work and work his ass off no matter how hard the workout is. 

Times: Me - 8.45 Adam - 9.07, Tony Perkis - 13.36

Workout #2 
Power Snatch with OHS - 1+3 for 5sets @ 135lbs
Hours of Sleep: 9 
Nutrition: Started intermittent fasting for the past 2 days. has been going OK. Just lack of energy throughout the day is the only effect I'm having but I'm gunna stick with and see how I feel at the end of the week. I'll keep you posted. 
NOTE: Did the snatch workout before the WOD which didn't really have any effect to the timing of the WOD. Body feels really good and ready for more. But Until then, Cheers!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Super Fran

Today pretty much just crushed myself in the weight room. Started working out at a different gym today which was a nice change in pace because this gym allows me to drop the weight on the floor and has pretty of bumper plates for me to lift. And lift heavy I did.

Power Clean - 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1 - 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215x1, 215x1

Super Fran - 9 - 15- 21- 15- 9
- 95lb Thrusters
- Pull-ups

10 minute rest

Chipper - 15 reps @ 75% PC, 75 reps of push press at 95lbs, 400m farmer carries @ 55lbs

Weight: haven't weighed in in a while I will update you tomorrow
Hours of Sleep: 6.5
NOTE: I felt good after taking a full rest day on absolutely nothing. Hopefully my shoulder won't be too sore tomorrow. My quads started getting fatigued by the end out the workout but I did expect it so no biggy. Really disappointed in my nutrition today. I ate a bunch of pizza and had an energy drink right before my workout but I will make that up and not take a cheat day on my normal cheat day which is Thursday. But Tomorrow is another day and another time to lift heavy.

I leave you with this quote which is how I train:

"Your man, pick up heavy things all the time and you will get stronger"
-Rob Orlando

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rebel Race

On Saturday 6/ 11/2011 I competed in the Rebel Race in Modena, NY. It was a great time. I ended up coming in second place in my heat about 20 seconds behind the guy who got first. There were a lot great obstacles and there was a lot more water obstacles compared to the last race I did last weekend.
It was also fun because I was able to run the race with my friend, Kurt, and my two sister, Emily and Sam. I was really proud of my 2 sisters. Sam ended up being the first girl to finish in our heat and my other sister was right behind her ad finished second girl in our heat. I thought it was pretty cool and definitely a great family time. I would do it again in a heart beat with friends and family. 

Check out the Rebel Race Website

I ended up doing the race in 28 minutes 5K with 22 obstacles which was way faster than the Spartan Race. 

Hours of Sleep: 6
NOTE: Going to start video taping the workout and going to start doing morning workouts before work and then 1 after work. But Until then, Cheers!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sprints: Easy? I think NOT!

Today was suppose to be light and easy. Not so much. Didn't hit the gym today but got some intense work on the track. To be honest I think that the endurance work is by far the hardest part of my training. But the reason behind extra endurance work is to help increase my stamina in order for me to increase my work capacity during my metcon work. Since I just started incorporating the endurance work so the volume is lower then what I would like to be at but you got to start somewhere.

Short Intervals
5 - 200m sprints - 2 minute rest between
All the sprint were completed in 30 seconds except the last one which was 3 second slower.

Hours of Sleep: 6.5
NOTE: Hamstrings were a pretty sore from the speed dead lifts yesterday along with my traps and rhomboids. Nutrition was good for the day. tomorrow's schedule is looking like some mobility work and some gymnastic skill work. Mostly working on muscle ups. Tomorrow is a travel day for the race on Saturday and I'm looking forward to it. Its always nice to compete and with me being a competitive individual I love these events. I'll keep updated on the race. But Until then, Cheers!

P.S. Starting Monday I will be posting videos of the workouts on the page.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Speed Day

Today was a speed dead lift day. This is where I would focus on dead lifting percentage of my max dead lift off the ground at maximal speed possible. This allows me to train my speed strength as well as work on my technique. I added bands into the movement to allow me to work on locking out because I have trouble about mid thigh when I do dead lift heavy.

Speed Band Dead Lifts - 10x1 - 305lbs for 6 sets, 315lbs for 4 sets, 335lbs for 2 sets

- 400m
- 100 Double Unders
- 50 GHD Sit-ups
- 30 Kettle Swings @ 70lbs
- 20 Box Jumps

Hollow Rocking for 2 Minutes not continuous

Hours of Sleep: 8
NOTE: Today my nutrition slipped a little when I got home from the gym. I guess I'll use that as my cheat day and not cheat tomorrow as Thursday are normally a cheat day for me but no harm done and I'll get back on it. So a little look down the road and tomorrow I probably will only do an endurance workout and a lot of mobility and recovery work. Friday will be a rest day with some mobility work maybe do some skill work nothing crazy. Saturday is race day. After Saturday I don't have a competition for a while, July 29th is the next one so I'll have a little time to ramp up the volume and then taper off as I get closer to the competition. But Until Then, Cheers!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Squat Cleans

Day was focused on squat cleans and catching the clean in a low catch position. This will allow me to get under more weight in the future when cleaning or clean and jerk. Started following Mike's gym WOD for my O-lifting and just started a stretch cycle which hopefully start seeing some increases in my Olympic lifting soon. 

Clean and Jerk wave training for speed and technique: work up to 155lbs x3, 165lbs x2, 175lbs x1, 165lbs x3, 175lbs x2, 185lbs x1, 175lbs x3, 185lbs x2, 195lbs x1

6 Rounds 
- 3 Squat Cleans @ 185lbs
- 6 Wt. Pull-up @ 35lbs

Weight - 179lbs
Hours of Sleep - 7 
NOTE: Squat Cleans felt really good definitely able to work on my technique with the lighter weight and also worked on the speed of the lift. Upper back was sore from the snatches yesterday but nothing too bad. Quads were a little fatigued from all the running from yesterday as well. Going to spend some time with mobility work before I get after it tomorrow and open up my hips and anterior shoulder. 4 Days until my next race. Should be great fun. But Until Then, Cheers!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Skill Work

Today just messed around with the snatch. Did some light technique work with the snatch balance and the snatch dead-lift pause for 3 reps then on the 3rd pause exploded into a snatch working on not using my arms as much in the lift. But the really workout was

Overhead Squat - 5x5 @ 155lbs

50 Reps of each exercise for Time
- 135lb Dead-lift
-Lateral jumps over the bar
- 35lbs Kettlebell single arm snatch - 25 each arm
- Dips
TIME: 5:45

Endurance work
- 3 x 800M All out sprints with 3 minutes rest
 - Times were all under 3 minutes

Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: during the metcon the hardest part was the dips right after the snatches. if I was able to do the dips first I think I would have been able to go a lot faster. Because to be honest I just suck at dips. The 800M Sprints sucked too because I had just eaten like a half hour before and I definitely ate way too much but it was my first endurance workout and it was a lesson well learned. Eat smaller meals before endurance workouts or let your food digest longer before. Going to start incorporating endurance workouts more so I can increase my stamina more than what it already is. But Until Then, Cheers!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


On June 4, 2011 I took on one of the hardest events I have ever participated in. This wasn't just an ordinary 5K and mere morals do. This was the Spartan Race. Not only was there rough terrain and drastic elevation changes but there was also obstacles and events that you had to complete in order to continue. From jumping over pits of fire to carrying a home depot bucket up a very very steep hill to crawling in mud with barb wire overhead for 100 yards wasn't enough I also had to throw spears and run to 3 Spartan warriors in order to finish the race.
Well, the hardest part of the race was definitely going up all the hills there were some points where I was walking in order o catch my breath and be able to continue. Another difficult part was the pentaly for missing the spear throw which was 30 burpees and right after those having to crawl 100 yards through mud. Ended up finishing with a time of 56 minutes which was 23 minutes behind the winner. I cannot complain about the time with the amount of walking I did but definitely want to try it again and try and do better but I was satisfy with the performance knowing I didn't not what I was getting into.


Today, I just went into the gym for a recovery workout focusing on low intensity and hip opening movement. Just didn't want to sit around all day, I wanted to get the blood flowing. So I did:

Warmed up with a 2 minute row at a leisurely pace
The exercise I did were done 3 sets of 15 at my own pace, nothing timed
- pull-ups
- 45lb kettlebell swings
- GHD sit ups
- Glute Ham Raise
- Push-ups

Weight: haven't weighed myself this weekend have to wait and see tomorrow
Hours of Sleep: 8 + 1.5 hour nap
NOTE: Getting ready for my next race which is next weekend. this race is very similar to the Spartan Race but I dont think the difficult with be as hard but I won't know until I finish it on Saturday. Still going to workout this week and continue my training for the Beast of the East. But Until Then, Cheers!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

O-Lifting Skill Work

Decided to take it easy today because I have the Spartan Race coming up on Saturday but I didn't just want to take the next 2 days off so I decided to work on some O-lifting.

Front Squats - 10x3 @ 175lbs
Clean Pulls - 225lbs x 3, 235lbs x 3
Clean Dead-lifts -  2x3 @ 240lbs
Push Press - 135x5, 155x4, 160x3

Weight: 181lbs
Hours of Sleep 8.5 but was woke up a few times during the night so the quality wasn't that great.
NOTE: On the clean dead-lifts I was going to do more but thats all the weight I currently have in my garage gym. Definitely need to think about getting more weight and maybe getting a tire which would be pretty sweet to start incorporating into my workouts. But Until Then, Cheers!

Strongman Day 6/1/2011

Yesterday I busted out the yoke, wheel barrel, and a sledgehammer and got after it.

3 Rounds
- 360lb Yoke Walk for 25yards
- Wheel Barrel Push at 150lbs - 25yards
- 20 Lunges with 45lb Overhead
- 10 two hand sledgehammer hits
- Wheel  Barrel Push at 150lbs - 25yards
- 20 Lunges with 45lbs Overhead

After all the round were completed did 50 sit-ups on the ab-mat

Total Time: 14:25

Personal on June 1, 2011
Weight - 179lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: First time using the yoke and I thought it was a nice new implement to add into a workout. Its really  difficult to carry up a slight incline which I ended up picking it up and dragging it across the ground kinda like a sled. But I was still gassed after the workout.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rowing and METCONS

After the holiday I was feeling pretty well rested. So I decided I was going to do 2 workouts in the same day. I was absolutely CRUSHED!

- Run 1K
- 15HSPU
- Row 1/2mi
TIME: 6:01

Front Squats
3x5 (135, 225x2)

- 25 Cal Row
- 10 Clean and Jerk (135#)
- 25 Ball Slams (20lbs)
- 10 Pull-ups
TIME: 14:03

Weight: 180lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: Quads are a little sore but was able to get through both WODs. Nutrition was good for the most part which is a good thing going to try and keep it going. Hopefully soon I'll be able to put up some videos of the WODs . But Until Then, Cheers!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

First Day of Summer Vacation

Today is the first day of my summer vacation and what more fitting it is to head to the gym to get some serious lifting in. Started working out with my buddy which was a nice change of pace than working out alone and it was definitely nice to have someone push me.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6,5,4,3,3
- Safety Bar Squat - 155lbs
- strict pull-ups
- 35lbs KB swings
- 25lb row in the push-up position - reps each arm
- reverse hypers

Weight: Still have to buy a scale but hopefully it will be posted soon
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: The workout was a change of pace because it wasn't as fast as possible I had some rest between exercises because we only had one set up due to equipment availability but still was a great workout and I definitely thought I got some good workout. Oh forgot to mention I ran to and from the gym which was a good warm-up and cool down still going to do some mobility work later this afternoon. Nutrition is so far great haven't faltered once which there is a lot of temptations when being at home and no one else has a strict diet. Tomorrow is a day off, Memorial Day.
Just want to thank all the troops overseas who are serving or served for all they have done for this country. They are the true heroes in our society today. Without them this country would not be where it is at today. Thanks again and God Bless.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hill Sprints

Hey everyone. It was the big moving day finally but was still able to get in a workout for the day.

4 x Hill Sprints
            - 1minute Rest at top walk down then 1 minute rest at bottom then repeat.
            - 5 burpee pently if -2 second devaition
TIME: 18, 18, 18 ,18sec

Weight: Did not weight myself today
Hours of Sleep: 6
NOTE: Did the workout with my sister who is younger but was able to keep my times consistent which I was very pleased about. I feel that competition even though it wasn't my friend can still push you beyond the limit compared to when working out by yourself. For the next couple of months I'll be working out with a couple a buddies who are really looking to get into beast mode which will allow me to become better at my craft because they will push me and bring the beast out of me. But Until Then, Cheers!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Workout From 5/26/2011

Hey everyone, here is the workout from yesterday. I have been pretty busy because I'm moving back home this weekend but once this weekend is over the posts will be more consistent.

6 minutes of barefoot jump roping
5 wall walks

- 5 Dead-lifts @ 275lbs
- 5 Rounds of Cindy(5pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)
- 6 Dead-lifts @ 275lbs
- 4 Rounds of Cindy
- 7 Dead-lifts @ 275lbs
- 3 Rounds of Cindy
- 8 Dead-lifts @ 275lbs
- 2 Rounds of Cindy

TIME: 13:08

Weight: 183lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: Tried doing everything unbroken but Wasn't able to do that on the last round of dead-lifts had to break that up into 2 rounds of 4. I just lost my grip which I wasn't too happy about but overall thought I could have transition better and faster from the dead-lifts to Cindy. My legs have been feeling better good throughout this week even though I have been hitting them pretty hard. Started bad on trying fishoil again we'll have to wait and see how I start feeling. But Until Then, Cheers!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pulling a Sled is such a Drag

The day after an intense leg workout I like to follow what Louie Simmons does at his warehouse and that is drag a sled for a very long time. He says that it help with recovery so that he and his follower can pull and squat more weight. It also allows you to work the legs without putting a bar on your back. This allows you back to take a brake from all the compression a bar puts on an athlete through the grueling squat and dead-lift workouts.

Straight Leg Forward Sled Walk for 30yds @ 115lbs for 16 reps
Side Lunge Sled Drag for 30yds @ 115lbs for 4 reps

Strict Pull-ups 30reps

Weight: 184lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: Hamstrings and glutes were sore when I woke up this morning but overall feel really good cannot wait to get back at it tomorrow. Oh, since it was a beautiful day today I did all my workout outside which was way better than working out inside the gym. Cannot wait for this summer and being able to workout outside every workout.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Crushing Legs

Today wanted to start back on my dynamic leg day as the skill work but still keeping a WOD to work on my work capacity. Only did about 50% of max back squat but focused on speed again.

Skill Work
Band Low box squat - 12x1 (6@ 205, 4 @215, 2@225)

5 Rounds
- 5 Clean to Thrusters (95lbs)
- 15 Push-ups
- 10m broad Jumps
- Lunge 10 m back with 45lbs overhead

Time: 7:20

Weight: 184 lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7 but woke up a bunch of times during the night. been sleeping on the couch for the last days here and my bed is already gone.
NOTE: For the WOD made sure I did all the clean to thrusters unbroken. The thing that killed my time was the push-ups. Nutrition was shaky today went to dinner with the roommates but did well there except for the tortilla but came home and had some funfetti cake which was a bad choice but oh well. But until then, Cheers!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Snatch and Double Unders

Hey there. today's workout involved double unders and snatches. Also did some hollow rocking to finish off the workout.

Warmed up with 5minutes of working on handstand walking.

7 Rounds
- 35 Double Unders
- 1 Snatch
Note: Make 1 attempt at the sntach per round and total weight lifted
Total Time: 7:54      Total Weight: 1095lbs

5 Mintues Rest

90 seconds max reps jumping split squats
 - Total: 63 reps

3 minute rests

3 minutes of hollow rocking

Weight: 184lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7 hours
NOTE: Workout was good wasn't too hard either. For the WOD I focused on doing the double unders unbroken and as fast as possible. I need to work on the catch position of the snatch. I need to catch it in more of a overhead position and deeper in the squat. Nutrition was really good today no cheats which I'm help about. Hopefully I can continue the clean diet the rest of the week but we'll have to wait and see. But Until Then, Cheers!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sorry for the Delay

Hey there. Sorry for the delay and the lack of posts the last couple of days. Been pretty busy with packing my things for my big move on Saturday. Moving back home for a couple of months then off to grad school at SUNY Cortland. But I was still able to get a workout in on Saturday, May 21st. But didn't get a workout in today but got some stimulus when I was lifting my furniture and loading it into my dad's truck. Nothing too big. Still able to do mobility work and got a solid nap in today.

WORKOUT from May 21st, 2001
Shoulder Press - 5x5
Plank - 4 x 1:00 las set was until failure
Tucked Candlestick to front lever - 4 x 10

Mobility Work - focusing on mobilizing the anterior chain of the hips

Weight: 184lbs
Hours of Sleep: 8 hours + 45minute nap
NOTE: Nutrition has been really bad this weekend. Parents were in town went a graduation party but didn't have any alcohol which I was proud about. Need to get cracking at my diet and I know that I've said that the last couple of posts but I'm in serious training now. Want to lose 10 pounds before my race on June 4th which will also allow my bodyweight exercises to be easier. Another Update just bought the new Rogue Yoke. Cannot wait to use it definitely the biggest purchase to my strength equipment but I'm really excited.
Well hopefully I can finally commit to the diet now but we'll have to wait and see. I'll keep you updated on my progress. But Until Then, Cheers!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Overhead Squats and Hang Squat Cleans

This Workout is from May 14, 2011
5 Rounds
135lbs Overhead Squats - 5reps
10 Toes to Bar
40lb Hang Squat Cleans - 15reps
20 Double-Unders

10 minute work on handstand walking

Weight: 182
Hours of Sleep: 8
NOTE: This WOD sucked. I was crushed by it. I really don't know why. For some reason my right quad is bruised or sore hopefully tomorrow I'll feel fine. But I will keep on going. Have 2 more days until the Metro Dash on Saturday, May 14. But Until Then, Cheers!

Active Recovery


During the days that I don't go to the gym you should still be doing something active. You shouldn't just be sedentary for the day. Go for a light jog. Go Hiking. Kayaking. Rock climbing. Even go for a 20 minute walk. Or  do some mobility work. The more you work on your mobility the better your mobility will become. It's like anything else the more you work at it the better it gets. It's also a good thing to speed recovery from the grueling workouts that you did all week. Its also used for getting you body ready for the next workout coming up. But once again, I cannot express this enough you need to work on your mobility all the time.

Active recovery jog - 2.5 miles moderate speed
Mobility Work
- Focus on the sliding tissues of my lower extremity with massage

Weight:  184lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7.5
NOTE: Everything feels really good. Did get a blister on the bottom of my left foot during my run. Probably from not wearing socks which was dumb on my part. But you can't let small injuries keep you from training. Going to take care of it. I need to make sure, since its on the bottom of my foot, that it doesn't alter my gait pattern. If my biomechanic are thrown off this can lead to other injuries up the kinetic chain.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Got to Love Pull-ups

Hey everyone, todays workout involved lots and lot of pull-ups. Just thought it would be a good workout before my rest day tomorrow. Also today was my cheat day on my nutrition. Now i know that this weekend I have been a little sloppy with my nutrition but I have finally realized that I need to start dialing in my nutrition. Before when I was consuming good food everyday and consuming fish oil, I was feeling great, not tired, and not as sore the day after workouts like I have been this past week. So I have decided that its time to get back on track and go for it. This is going to be a tough challenge but I think I can do it. I think if I have a reward system or a penalty if I mess up. But more on that later.

Weighted Pull-ups - 7x2 (45,50,55,60,65,70,75)

5 min Rest

3 Rounds
- 10 Burpee Pull-ups
- 10 Strict Pull-ups
- 10 Kipping Pull-ups
- 10 Med Ball Slams
- 5 L  Pull-ups
- 1 minute Rest

5 minutes Rest

5 rounds
Goodmornings - 5, 5, 3,3,3 (40kg, 50kg, 60kg x 3)
Bent Over Sled Pull - 40feet ( 45lbs, 70lbs, 80lbs x 3)

Mobility Work

Weight: 184lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: Weighted pull-ups weren't bad but the pull-up complex sucked. Once I did the burpee pull-ups unbroken it was hard to stay on the bar and continue the strict pull-ups. I also switched up the grips on the strict pull-ups to get some variation. The L pull-ups were the end of me at the end on each round. lats and biceps were all shot. Tomorrow is a rest day but an active rest day. There is no such thing as an off day. Going to do a lot of recovery work before the weekend. But Until Then, Cheers!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Front Squats and the Conjugate System

When I woke up today, I was really looking forward to the workout even though my upper body was roasted from the thrusters. Today I was going to work on my front squats but wanted to work on speed out of the bottom position. So instead of just loading tons of weight on just trying to crush my body I decided to implement the conjugate system from WESTSIDE Barbell and perform speed front squat but do a ton of volume at low weight. (Dynamic Leg Day) This is going to develop speed strength and no one can lift heavy weights slow. Since I'm training the front squat at sub-maximal weight at maximal speed with little rest will allow me to increase my PR for the front squat because I'm training at maximal speed. The increased number of sets allows me to perform more first repetition which allows me to have perfect form and each repetition. If you do lets just say 10 reps, its impossible for your body to hold 10 perfect reps for that long. There will be some deviation in form once you reach the 10th rep. Only had 1 minute of rest between each set. This allows your testosterone rate to stay elevated due to the faster workout. If you take longer between sets this aiding in testosterone levels to return to normal thus not allowing for maximal muscle development. This will transfer over to other lifts like the thruster, clean and jerk and also the back squat. So its a great skill transfer exercise to work on during training.

Front Squats - 12x2 (6sets @ 185lbs, 6 sets @ 205lbs)
Work on strict pull-up technique and Strict toes to bar
Mobility Work 

Weight: 182lbs
Hours of Sleep: 8
NOTE: The front squats felt great. pretty much my legs in general have been feeling really good lately. My upper body on the other hand is sore but nothing to worry about. Nutrition again was good today except I had 2 slices of pizza with dinner which isn't what I should be consuming. I really need to be more strict with the diet. It will come one day. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Todays workout was a disappointment, though I would be able to do more than I actually got but there's always room for improvement. The workout was:
Thrusters - 7x2 (111lbs, 155lbs, 177lbs, 188lbs, 198 (failed), 198 x1 (PR)
Mid- Hang Snatch off Blocks - work to light double - (111lbs, 155lbs, 165lbs, 175lbs)
 METCON workout:
3 sets
- 10 Sandbag shoulder to shoulder push press
- 400m Run
Time: 5:55

Weight: 184
Hours of Sleep: 8.5
NOTE: Need to work on exploding at the bottom of the front squat during the thrusters so that I can use that momentum during the press phase of the movement which in turn will allow me to increase my thruster max. Had to wear the wrist wraps during the thrusters but the wrist feels good right now. Going to work on front squats tomorrow. But Until Then, Cheers!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dead-Lifts and Push Presses

Got back into the weight room today felt good to get back in and crush some weight. Today went well kinda hurt my wrist but iced it throughout the day if I need to wrap my wrist tomorrow then I'll use straps tomorrow to protect it from getting worse.

Weight: 182
Hours of Sleep: 8.5
NOTE: Have 3 weeks to get ready for the Spartan Race on June, 4. Programing is going to change a little which will incorporate a little more running to get me ready for the 5K that goes along with the Spartan Race. Still going to try and keep my strength where its at. But Until Then, Cheers!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Was unable to post anything yesterday. I apologize for that but participated in the NY/NJ Metro Dash at the New Meadowlands Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ. Ran the course in 8:28 which was first in my age and first overall at the Dash. So an exciting weekend. It was fun definitely want to do it again and see if I cannot lower my time.

Weight: 183lbs
Hours of Sleep: ?
NOTE: Body feels good other than my stomach is hurting for last night. kinda went over board with the partying. But its all fun and well. Decide I am going to go on a stricter diet and also not drink anymore until the Beast of the East. And I will now be giving you updates on my nutrition and mobility work I do everyday. But Until then Cheers

Friday, May 13, 2011

NEW: Video Uploads

Instead of writing out my workouts. I'll be posting videos of me either talking about what I did or the actually workout I did for that day. yesterday's WOD will be on this day due to technical difficultly with the server but we are up and running now so enjoy. Today was a rest day because I am competing in the METRO DASH tomorrow. My heat is at 9:30AM, I'll post my time and how it was tomorrow. But Until then, Cheers!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back to Work

Got back into the weight room after 2 days off and I felt alright still sore in my upper back and hamstring but nothing that was going to stop me from getting some work done.

5 rounds with a 10min cap
10 ring push-ups feet elevated
25ft bear crawl
30 double-unders
25ft lunges
(done with a 30lb vest one)

Time Completed: 9:16

10minutes rest

5 Rounds
5 Weight pull-ups with 30lbs
10 Dumbbell Push press - 45lb ea
5 toes to bar

Time Completed: 8:53

Weight: 181lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7.5
NOTE: First workout went really well. I didn't do that well on the second workout. I sucked during the push press, need to work on pressing strength. But Until Then, Cheers!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Rest Day

Decided that my body need one more rest day. Still did some mobility work and got back on track with the nutrition after the weekend. Also signed up for the Beast of the East which is in October which should be insane and looking forward to competing. Since I signed up for that competition I'm going to really try and stick to the diet and have no cheat days and stop drinking alcohol until the Beast of the East of over. Which if it comes down to it the competition is on my birthday so I'll have to celebrate it even more.

Weight: 183lbs
Hours of Sleep: 8.5
NOTE: Have the Metro Dash coming up this Saturday which should be another interesting event to try and see how I do. But back to the grind tomorrow. Possible double session since I rested today. But until then, Cheers!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Successful Competition

On Saturday May 7 I competed in the Hybrid Athletic Spring Competition went really great. Placed 5 out of 16 which isn't too bad for my first competition. I really sore today mostly my back and hamstrings but the workouts at the competition were great.

Hybrid Competition Events
Event #1
- Axle dead-lift at 275lbs
- Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Finished in 6:02 which was 2nd overall

Event #2
10min AMRAP
200m run
4 Atlas Stone Squats
(The squats had to be 2 on one shoulder then transfer to the other shoulder and do the another 2 squats)
Finished 8 RDs +2 squats

Event #3
Max Clean and Jerk with a log
6min cap
Max: 185lbs

Weight: 175lbs
Hours of Sleep: 5
NOTE: Thought I would do more on the log clean and jerk definitely need to work at. That was the only thing I was disappointed in the day. Really sore but that was expected but gunna get after it tomorrow going to try the final event at the competition which was only performed by the top 4 in each weight class. It was pretty insane only one guy finished it in the alloted time of 10minutes. should be fun. But Until then, Cheers!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gymnastics Day

Really didn't have a set workout today instead I messed around with some gymnastics moves that I'm not every good at. Pretty much did these moves for about 1 hour then followed by some mobility work for recovery.
For 1 Hour worked on:
- Ring Push-ups
- Ring HSPU
- Ring Dips
- Assisted Muscle Ups
- Inverted Hang

Weight: 180lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: Depending on how much I weight in the morning will depend on if I go for a run in the morning. Need to be under 180lbs by Saturday at 9am. Body feels pretty good traps a little sore from the snatch workout yesterday and my arm are sore today from the gymnastic work but nothing that won't be recovered by Saturday. So hopefully tomorrow is an off day and I hope I can get in a ice bath tomorrow night to fully recover for Saturday. But Until then, Cheers!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Snatch Skill Work

Figure I would work on my snatch today, using skill work to help break down the movement. This will allow me to work on different aspect of the snatch which in turn will hopefully help me increase my snatch. Which sucks and I know I need to work on it.

- Barski Snatch 5x3 - 30kg, 35kg x4
- Snatch Pulls 3x2 - 60kg
- Snatch Dead-lift 3x1 - 100kg
- Snatch Push Press 5,4,3,2,1  - 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 60kg
- Abs -200
- Wide hanging Pull-ups - 25
5 min Rest
TABATA on treadmill - 20sec ON/ 10sec OFF

Weight: 179lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7.5
NOTE: Workout wasn't that bad probably could have done more weight on the snatch push press but opted to not go crazy 3 days before the competition. My medial chain (groin) was feeling really sore today, probably from all the squat the last couple of days. Tomorrow I'm going to work on some skills like muscle ups, ring handstand push-ups, and some other body weight exercises so I have my form done. May be I'll do some running depending on my weight in the morning. But Until Then, Cheers!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OHS and Burpees

Today I combined 2 workouts, one as the warm-up and the second as my WOD for the day. First worked on some skill work then got right to it.

Warm-up WOD #1
2 Rounds for Quality
-1min max reps hollow rock
-30sec recovery
-1min max reps straight Jumps
-30sec Recovery
-1min max reps tuck jumps and land

Max Height Kneeling box Jumps - 13"

WOD #2
21, 15, 9
OHS @ 95lbs

Total time: 4:36

Weight: 181lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: down to 181lbs need to lose 3 more pounds by Saturday. I definitely think thats possible we'll have to see. Workout was good my legs are a little tired from all the leg workouts lately. But cant stop now schedule a day off on Friday to recovery before the big day on Saturday. But I'll keep you updated on the workouts and my weight. But Until then, Cheers!

Monday, May 2, 2011

5 More Days

I have 5 days until I compete in the Hybrid Competition on May 7th. I'm looking forward to it but also nervous. Here's the kicker on the competition is that there is 2 weight classes under 180lbs and over 180lbs so I need to lose a couple of pounds so I can get into the under 180lbs. I feel I would get crash but the guys over 180lbs but I would hold my own in the under 180lbs weight class. So i'll keep you updated on if I make it under 180 or not. I feel like a wrestler.
3 Rounds for Quality - Warm-up
10 burpees
10 chest to bar Dead hang pull-ups
10 Rolling Pistols (5 each leg)

5 Rounds for Time
15 Ring Rows
155lbs Floor Press - 15 reps
185lbs Back Squat - 15 reps

Total time: 25.27

Weight: 184lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7.5
NOTE: Started the workout with the Rx 225lbs back squat and did the first round with it then decided to decrease the weight due to pain in my back but I continued with the 185lbs and it still sucked. the chest to bar dead hang pull-ups were pretty hard too but was able to perform them with a false grip. But goal for the week is to lose 5lbs by Saturday. We'll have to wait and see on Saturday. But until then, Cheers!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Running and Rock Climbing

Today was really nice out so I did the Crossfit Endurance WOD today and also went rock climbing. Rock climbing always smokes my hands and forearms which I don't mind. I'm really enjoying the climbing thinking about getting serious about it which will be a nice switch from being in the gym all the time. And the fact that its summer and I'll be going kayaking, and hiking all the time and I'm looking forward to it.

2 X Intervals
2 x 12mins as fast as possible with 2 minute recovery in between.

Weight: 185lbs
Hours of Sleep: 8
NOTE: Feeling great except my grip which is shot from rock climbing but other than that I feel good. Have an athletic training conference tomorrow but I hope I'll be able to get outside and run again tomorrow because its suppose to be another gorgeous day. But Until then, Cheers!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Back At It

Feeling welled rested after my complete day off and was ready to get back at it. I have 1 week until my first Crossfit Competition so we'll soon see how i fair against some of the best Crossfitters around theses parts.

Clean Pulls 3x2 @265lbs
Clean Halting Dead-lifts - 3x3 @265lbs, 3x3@285lbs
Strict Chins: 25 total
Weighted Glute Bridge: 2x20@95lbs(Video)
Abs: 75reps
Handstand walking - 10minutes

Weight: 184lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: The clean halting dead-lifts are when you bring the bar mid thigh and pause, lower weight down 1" off the ground and back to mid thigh... 3rd rep exploded upward into clean pull. Strict chins were broken up and done with various grips. The strict pull-ups seem hard now that I've been doing kipping pull-ups lately. Need to work on this. Abs were a variety of different exercises all at once. Tomorrow I have an off day from work so I think I'm gunna go rock climbing again then maybe a long run outside depending on the weather. But until then, Cheers!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Well Desired Rest

Rested today been going at it pretty hard the last couple of days.
Weight: 182lbs
Hours of Sleep:8.5
NOTE: I seem to not be able to cut any weight yet sticking around 182-185lbs. I feel if I lose a couple of pounds that would make my body weight exercises easier which will allow me to increase my speed and reps. But getting in 2 workouts tomorrow which should be fun. Then off to Philly to see some really fast runners run a Penn Relays. I have some athletes running in the relays so we will see how they do. But until then, Cheers!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thrusters and C2B pull-ups

Did the Crossfit main site workout today with some gymnastic work.

50 sit-ups to pancake split
50 sit-ups to pike

AMRAP in 7 mins
100lbs thrusters - 3reps, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, etc
Chest to Bar Pull-ups 3reps, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, etc

15reps +5 thrusters i- 7 minutes
21 reps - 14.21

Weight: 182
Hours of Sleep: 8.5
NOTE: Felt OK during the workout. Tonight I felt really sluggish and tired even though I got more sleep last night compared to the previous weeks worth. Might be some signs of overtraining or just nutritional concern but hopefully it would effect me for too long tomorrow is just an endurance day with some gymnastic work but I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow. Until then, Cheers!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Long Day

Plan was to do a strength workout in the morning and an endurance workout in the afternoon after work. But work went way longer than planned and I was feeling really tired, so I didn't do the afternoon endurance workout. So here's the workout

Gymnastic Work - 15mins
-Tripod Tuck Up to headstand - 5 mins
- Tripod Straddle Up to Headstand - 5 mins
- Tripod Pike Up to Headstand - 5 mins
- Backward sprint sled pulls - 10trips x 25ft x 45lbs
- Side Lunge sled Pull - 6 trips x 25ft x 45lbs
-Low Box Squat with Bands (Strong band) - 10x2 - 225x1, 235x1, 245x5, 255x2
- Speed Dead-lifts with bands (strong mini) - 10x1 x 275lbs

Weight: 182Lbs
Hours of Sleep: 7
NOTE: Felt good during the strength workout definitely liked doing the sled work before the squat. thought it warmed me up better than my normal dynamic warm-up. Have been doing some reading and found out that I should be doing the Burgener warm-up as part  as my warm up. But tomorrow looks likes a metcon day and some gymnastic work. But until then, Cheers!