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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Squat Squat Squat

Arguably the best exercise someone can do. I recently read an article in the Crossfit journal about squatting heavy often. If you been following my blog lately you would notice that I have got away from it concept in order to work on my Olympic lifting. And I now realize that this is only hurting me as an athlete. If you were to break down each Olympic lift (Clean + Jerk, Snatch),you'll notice squatting in each exercise. For instance, the clean, the receiving position is caught in the bottom of a front squat and the receiving position for the snatch is in the bottom of an overhead squat. So with this information you would see that if my squat whether front, back of overhead squats got stronger, it would transfer over to my Olympic lifts. I understand that there is more to Olympic lifting then just the receiving position but more squatting doesn't mean less time spent on other aspects of the Olympic lifts. So if you only take one thing out of this little blurb is that "YOU NEED TO SQUAT" and squat heavy often.
Your probably saying that I'm going to either burn out/ fatigue faster or overtrain but there are concepts, like Westside programming that will help fight against this. You can also incorporate chains, bands and specialty bars to keep weeks constantly varied.

So on to today's WOD
Dynamic Front Squat w/ green bands - 8x2 @185lbs

10! (10, 9, 8, ...., 2, 1)
- Push Press @ 95lbs
- Box Jumps (20")
- Toes to Bar

Hours of Sleep: 7.5
NOTE: Been feeling better with my energy. Thought I was able to push harder and faster through the Met-Con than the last couple of days. I feel like I need to consume more water throughout the day and do mobility work daily. But overall feeling better. Taking tomorrow off, except for mobility.

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