When I woke up today, I was really looking forward to the workout even though my upper body was roasted from the thrusters. Today I was going to work on my front squats but wanted to work on speed out of the bottom position. So instead of just loading tons of weight on just trying to crush my body I decided to implement the conjugate system from WESTSIDE Barbell and perform speed front squat but do a ton of volume at low weight. (Dynamic Leg Day) This is going to develop speed strength and no one can lift heavy weights slow. Since I'm training the front squat at sub-maximal weight at maximal speed with little rest will allow me to increase my PR for the front squat because I'm training at maximal speed. The increased number of sets allows me to perform more first repetition which allows me to have perfect form and each repetition. If you do lets just say 10 reps, its impossible for your body to hold 10 perfect reps for that long. There will be some deviation in form once you reach the 10th rep. Only had 1 minute of rest between each set. This allows your testosterone rate to stay elevated due to the faster workout. If you take longer between sets this aiding in testosterone levels to return to normal thus not allowing for maximal muscle development. This will transfer over to other lifts like the thruster, clean and jerk and also the back squat. So its a great skill transfer exercise to work on during training.
Front Squats - 12x2 (6sets @ 185lbs, 6 sets @ 205lbs)
Work on strict pull-up technique and Strict toes to bar
Mobility Work
Weight: 182lbs
Hours of Sleep: 8
NOTE: The front squats felt great. pretty much my legs in general have been feeling really good lately. My upper body on the other hand is sore but nothing to worry about. Nutrition again was good today except I had 2 slices of pizza with dinner which isn't what I should be consuming. I really need to be more strict with the diet. It will come one day.
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