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Monday, August 1, 2011

Long Exciting Weekend

First I want to thanks the people at Life AsRx for putting on a very successful competition. It was a blast met new people and learn a little about myself and where I need to go in my training in order to become the best. And speaking of the best Crossfitters. Congratulation to Rich Froning Jr. for winning the 2011 Reebok Crossfit Games. I watched most of it and the overall preparedness that Rich displayed this past weekend was unbelievable. The workouts these athletes completed at the games was unreal. And you can bet on it that I will be trying some of these workouts in the upcoming months.
Back to my competition. Was guaranteed 2 workouts with a third one if you were in the top 14 individuals. After the first 2 workouts I was sitting in 10th place which I was pretty happy about. Since there were 70 competitors at the competition. After the third workout though I dropped down to 12th, so I missed out on being in the top 10 but I'm happy with at least making the final cut. Giving the chance to competition with the top athletes there.
Here are the workout I had to complete:
Workout #1
21, 15, 9
- Kettle Swing @ 70lbs
- Dumbbell Thrusters with 40lb DB in each hand
Placed 7th in workout

Workout #2
In 8 Minutes
- Row 1000m
- Find 1RM Clean and Jerk
NOTE: These were treated as 2 workouts in the scoring. In the row placed 2nd, in the clean and jerk placed 28th

Workout #3
15 min AMRAP
- 15 OHS @ 135lbs
- 30 Toes to Bar
- 30 TRX Push-ups
- 200 Double Unders
- 30 Pull-ups
- 30 Pistol Squats
- 15 Shoulder to Overhead
Completed up to 3 Shoulder to overhead so didn't complete 1 round

Overall thought it was a great experience. Definitely going to help me prepare for the Beast of the East coming up in October which I would like to do very well at. Looking back I need to keep working on pressing movements along with increasing my overall strength in all the lifts. I think I'm going to spend majority of the time this month working on strength  and increasing the volume in workouts. Once September hits going to start ramping up the number of workouts in the day and start teaching my body to recover faster for multiple workouts in the day. Great weekend and look forward to the next one. Stay tune for workouts this week.

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